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In the WindowView

Science and Scripture in Harmony

WindowView Thesis

Thesis: The WindowView goal is to present a number of perspectives that stream through a window to you and combined within a ‘big picture’ illuminate what life is and what the future brings. Unique evidence from life and what constitutes and network of information presented in ancient Hebrew and Greek texts opens the way for your future.

The following is a brief look—a kind of up front summary— for the kinds of details you will see, explore, and discover in each of the main WindowView Areas.

The overall set of presentations are meant to provide plain language for clarity and to initiate deeper look at various sources that may be more technical or complicated.

Each area points to unique and significant information that contribute to the ultimate opportunity your life offers. That is the simple objective to time at the window.

Each area includes several initial pages to read and if interested you can dig a bit deeper and explore added pages and articles provided for you to expand your understanding of the big picture on life and what lies ahead for all humanity.

This is sort of a summary put up front … and hopefully provides incentive to spend a little time looking though the various areas of the window.

Change Area: A look at human history certainly reveals changes occur over time. So often there are discussions, evidence shared, and on the other hand denial of global climate change. The point here is that change has occurred and is obvious beyond collected data. End result is this is one aspect of change that will stress all of humanity for some time to come.

Change however has other complex dimensions that are tied to human behavior, political and national activities, stress between nations, conflicts, economic disharmony, and visions held by counterparts who ultimately compromise a unified human approach to support many generations to come in the future. That leads to another level of global stress. This is why the documented description of the world entering an end time era and a final conflict ends this portion of present history.

References to what the future brings is noted in the TimeLine Area.

The bottom line is that change will steer humanity to a closure of the current era and this will come with stress and the ultimate reality as to who oversees all of mankind. Material change thus ties to spiritual reality and you need to explore more of what the window reveals.

Science Area: While various opinions about life’s origin have surfaced over time—from the ancient philosophers to scientists making observations and working on research for many centuries—today there is evidence for something vastly more remarkable than previously known. Some scientists reside within a naturalist or materialist frame of thinking. Others realize and more so in recent decades that evidence gathered through scientific process demonstrates something more than mere material existence. Examples include fine tuning characteristics of the universe, Earth, construction of the Earth, and the incredible integration of life support systems on this planet. Further investigation reveals other planets that have been discovered do not qualify as providing what is necessary to support life as we know it. Life here is totally unique!

Further examples relate to understanding chemistry and how life could not have simply arisen by putting some chemicals together or even more remarkable are the molecular machines inside of cells—these have no apparent origin by what is called biological evolution. Examples of these machines are hard to accept by some, but the thought that these are specifically designed and only appear as types of life forms suddenly appear on earth.

The point here is simple. The Scriptures claim a Creator made the heavens and the earth. What some scientists are now recognizing as creation comes by design and by both information and energy requiring a Designer and Creator. The Scriptures identify that as the God of the Bible. In this regard, science evidence helps to support what the Scriptures are discussing in many other ways. The Earth is a created 'theatrical stage' upon which the human story is now being played out and also headed to the ultimate closure of an historical era that is one reason for clarity and seeing the full story the window is opened to.

Harmony Area: There are a couple things to keep in mind. No one asked you if you wanted to live a life here, but here you are. Earth’s history may be shorter than the universe’s span of time from the beginning, but the Scriptures reveal that humanity came to a point in time when the Creator (that is, God of Israel, Adonai) chose a specific group of people for a purpose. That choice is documented. In one sense they are merely human, but their assigned role is to be a nation and a witness to all other nations and point to Adonai for all humanity to recognize as their Designer and one who gave each of us a life. We need not be distracted by historical events, the role of the chosen people remains in place.

You are alive. A specific group of people are identified because they were chosen. Otherwise there would not be a Jewish people. Think about that. They exist because of a specific reason, not merely a product of chance or arbitrary cultural label.

Thus far, a basic point the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures focus on is the Jewish Messiah. Identification of who that is and the account of his time on Earth becomes important to recognizing how and why a description of an end to this era and what comes in the future is a reality. To recognize the Messiah’s birth, death (sacrifice, crucifixion), return to life (by resurrection), provides a means to overcome sin and to open the door to a relationship with Adonai and going beyond this era to a future evermore. This brings some good news which is highlighted in the Convergence Area. Good News because the message is life today has potential to expands beyond death—this depends on what you decide as a most important answer to life's most important question. For the Harmony, other articles and messages help to demonstrate the harmony is for both Jew and Gentile—all humanity in past, in the present day, and in the future.

TimeLine: Watch the introductory videos to get a better sense as to why a timeline is vastly helpful in understanding life on Earth and the biblical writings that focus on what the future will bring.

Convergence Area: Change will steer humanity to a crossroads in time and to the point of making the most ultimate of life decisions. Today you have the opportunity to make the vital decision—peacefully or even if under stress or trying to survive huge conflicts and distress. Examples from science help to support the notion that our lives are not simply a material existence. Harmony for Jew and Gentile is supported by an understanding of what the Scriptures describe. Time leads us from the past and developments of civilization, advancement of technologies, development of various forms of human belief and opinion, and much more … and yet a decision about having a relationship with Adonai comes to all. To achieve that relationship is addressed by the pages and videos in the Convergence Area. If you get what is important, then you may make the most important decision in life. If you do, then the future leads to an eternal relationship which is really the main reason for viewing all that the window and this life has to offer.

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WindowView Main Menus:

What is the Truth for Human Life on Earth

The WindowView is a soft apologetic, that is, the information here is a 'gentle' defense of faith and reason based on science and Scripture. Ease into the window's vantage points on change, science, and the harmony and all unique perspectives will merge.

To those who have never read the Scriptures, there is news and information with specificity for today.

To those who have not looked closely at what scientific information really shows, there is an awakening yet to be discovered in the awesome complexity and the known evidence for origins to life on earth.

We blindside ourselves by assumptions and opinions others keep pushing ... but what if you look closer at the information for what it reveals?

What will you see when you follow where the evidence leads us?

How? Simply scan the main menu above and visit the various sections of the window.

We ALL are Headed to a Major Event Horizon

The evidence comes from multiple perspectives and this Window Is a View to that horizon!

The Window is a Thinking Place for Discerning Truth ... Think ... Explore .... and See where all of humanity is headed in days to come ... So Today Discover Life, Relationship, the Future and a Vital Decision For You to Make!

Arrive at the Convergence to Consider Life's Most Important Offer.

A word of caution: Set aside preconceived notions. Any personal bias may initially tempt a quick exit. However, appreciating the entire window and surprises within only comes with looking at more than one perspective. Determining what is true in this life is something only you can satisfy for yourself. Start by a look at life's origins and change in your world today to see forces guiding us to the future.


Scientific evidence for global changes today leads to a merging of changes leading to a chronology of events described in Scripture. Look at Change


The terms evolution and creation are often considered polar opposites. Scientific data however bring us to recent assessments that require deeper reflection in this window. Design in nature points to information, a mind, and an intelligent Designer we all need to recognize. Consider the evidence


The world is closing in on the Middle East. Understanding the future includes the people, a harmony for Jew and Gentile together, the land, and biblical information that concerns this corner of the globe. Explore a unique perspective that too few understand well.


A merging of data, news, themes, and what impacts our lives all comes to a point of convergence. This is the focal point that defines humanity's future. Beyond our corporate fate, there is throughout the WindowView an opportunity to accept a promise concerning our individual and personal future. The entire window concerns our making a step up to life, see the most important opportunity you ave while alive, and make a vital decision now!


Life comes with a choice for the future.

A choice is the reason for this WindowView!

The Window is here for you!

Window Perspectives

Explore the window, visit Science, Change, and Harmony Areas, then move along a Timeline where all perspectives Converge to summarize the entire view and our future … the evidence is before us … many sources together point the way.

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