Introduction to
WindowView on Convergence
Video introduction to the Convergence Area:
Next ... the OVERVIEW
The Convergence Area is based on a gathering of the WindowView area perspectives. A brief account for each area is noted on the Convergence Overview page.
First, WindowView is an analogy to your life being like a window where you are able to view the world all around you. Either you are an open minded and objective person or perhaps you narrow the view and do not see all your window is able to reveal to you.
How wide open is your window?
This introduction focuses on information in this area and highlights the single most important question about life. You have the option to answer this question.
One REALLY important option is to view videos and links presented on the Articles page!
Please Note: If this is the first place you are visiting at WindowView it is recommended you at least watch the introduction videos in each of the other areas (Change, Science, Harmony, Timeline) all of which helps to illustrate a harmony with science and faith. Then return here to assess the convergence that brings a focus on faith and your future.
Now think about life’s most important question:
If we have arrived at a time when worldly, global, scientific and theological information all help point to future events the Scriptures indicate are yet to come, then there is one key question for all humanity to answer—the question is actually one posed thousands of years ago …
The question is:
• Do you understand and will you accept the the good news that is called the Gospel?
How to accept the Gospel comes with some understanding of the Promise, Salvation and Atonement.
The promise is that you will live in eternity with Messiah. That life is in a very special light. Missing the entire purpose to His promise leads to separation and an eternity in shadows, isolation, and deprivation. Indeed, that must be what is described as hell.
The promise is simply Life!
The promise includes the Messiah will completely change life on earth and pain and suffering will be conquered.
By faith you can gain salvation. This comes with knowledge of the reality of God, His existence being truth, that you can have an eternal relationship with God.
Salvation means you are to be saved.
And saved means that even if life now leads to death the phenomena of resurrection previously demonstrated by the Messiah will be applied to all who have come to faith and thus comes a new life.
The Messiah saves people from sin and salvation has eternal effects.
How is humanity to deal with sin and move to a better future?
Recognizing what a person has done in life and what acts and behaviors are sinful is an important step leading to atonement.
Atonement is a theme that ties into one of the Jewish High Holy Days which is Yom Kippur which is the Jewish day of atonement. This includes recognizing that sin brings judgment.
First there is the new year celebration, then ten days referred to as ‘terrible days’ leading to this day of atonement. These days are time to reflect on the prior year. Was there any sin?
In ages past, to acknowledge sin and to address the way to reunite with God led to sacrificing a lamb at the Jerusalem Temple. That sacrifice covered a year and not a lifetime.
The Hebrew prophets testified boldly of a sin bearer who would provide perfect atonement.
According to the prophet Isaiah God has brought one from Israel, first for Israel, to provide himself as a sin offering, and yet who would be despised and rejected by the Jewish people. ... He would render himself as a guilt offering.
Accepting the Messiah’s sacrifice, thus replacing the need for the former Temple sacrifices, opens a means to atonement for all Jews and Gentiles for this lifetime.
This is one of the many ways that the Jewish High Holy Days reveal the identity and the purpose of the promised Messiah.
The incredible and seemingly unbelievable life after this life is the entire focal point of the Gospel.
Furthermore the Scriptures provide a brief glimpse of what to expect in the next age and life in a thousand year Kingdom on Earth.
A detailed description of this is presented in the Convergence article titled: “The Gospel”
The Messiah reveals a need to recognize problems we have in this life, but offers grace and forgiveness and the good news (that is the Gospel) that leads to forming a commitment and a relationship with Him. This leads to the promise of eternal life—this relationship is available to all Jewish and Gentile peoples. And the Scriptures in fact outline the future yet to come.
The gospel is the good news that Yeshua (that is Jesus Christ), the Son of God, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over his enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe, but only everlasting joy. That's the gospel.
Mark summarizes the theme of his book in Mark 1: 14: “Jesus came. . . preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God. . .” According to Mark, the good news is “the kingdom of God.”
Next Steps
The Overview page gives accounts of what appears in all of the main areas of the window. The Thesis page touches further on the themes of the window areas and related references to topics covered in the Convergence Area.
One REALLY important option is to view videos and links presented on the Articles page!