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100 to 700 CE

100 CE


Second Church Age

Smyrna (100 - 313 )
Roman Persecution

Commendation given concerning this church and the related church age: ''...commended for having patience in sufferings.'' and ''commended for enduring the blasphemy of those who claim to be Jews, but they are not and are of the synagogue of Satan.'' Thus, believers in Messiah were persecuted by those who claimed to be God's people but were not.

Condemnation given: This church and the book of Revelation cites no condemnation with regard to the associated church age.

(Quotations from Fruchtenbaum)


Concerning the long range implications of this church age:

''The suffering of the church at Smyrna was prophetic of the great era of persecution under the ten Caesars... The motives of the church were purified during this long and difficult period. Millions of Christians met cruel martyrs' deaths rather than renounce Messiah or swear allegiance to Caesar as Lord.

When I visited the ruins of the great coliseum in Rome, I found that the foundations are still stained with the blood of martyrs.
This was a period of tremendous witness and heroic faith. Even the wicked Roman Empire was finally shaken by the testimony of these Christians.'' (Quotation from Lindsey)


Roman occupation of Jerusalem lead Emerperor Hadrian to rename the city to Aelia Capitolina. Jewish residents were prohibited from living and directly around the occupied city. (Source: Web)

Oldest Mayan monuments (c. 164 CE) (G)

Pope Victor I (189-199 CE) (G)

Origen (c. 185 to 254 CE) (G)

Pappus of Alexandria describes five machines in use: cogwheel, lever, pulley, screw, wedge (c. 285) (G)


313 CE Constantine gives Christianity legal status and makes it official religion of Roman Empire (replacing paganism). (IP)


313 CE


Third Church Age

Pergamum (313 - 600 )
Age of Constantine

Commendation given concerning this church and the related church age: ''...commended for not denying the faith, singling out one of their faithful members, Antipas, who suffered martyrdom for his witness.''

Condemnation given: ''...condemned for two things. First, ... for allowing some to hold the teachings 0f Balaam.'' [see Numbers 22-24] ''... Because civil and religious life were so intertwined, for Christians to accept social engagements probably meant some involvement with paganism. Apparently many believers compromised anyway.

In the age of Constantine the church became married to the state which eventually resulted in spiritual fornication and idolatry. Now that the church was made a state religion, people all over the Roman Empire were baptized into the church without any real regard to personal faith. ... As a result a massive amount of pagans entered the church bringing many of their pagan practices with them.''
Secondly, ... condemned for permitting the teachings of the Nicolatians.''

(Quotationss from Fruchtenbaum)


Concerning the long range implications of this church age:

''During the historical era that the church of Pergamos symbolized, the church merged with the state. Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the empire and massive persecution ceased. But this apparent blessing to the church became a curse.

The church compromised its position more and more in order to gain favor and power. A church hierarchy began to develop, with the Bishop of Rome claiming increasing prominence because of his proximity to the ruler of the empire. He sought to strengthen his claim with the declaration of apostolic succession—alleging that this office in Rome was linked directly to Peter and that the Big Fisherman was the foundation of the church.

As the church at Pergamos therefore compromised with the world's paganism and immortality, its symbolic counterpart in the fourth and fifth centuries committed spiritual adultery in an impure alliance with the Roman Empire.'' (Quotation from Lindsey)

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325 CE First Ecumenical Council called by Constantine the Great. The Council passed 20 canons including the Nicene Creed, Canon of Holy Scripture (Holy Bible), and established the celebration of Pascha (Easter). (Source: Web)

363 CE Flavius Claudius Julianus makes way for rebuilding the Temple; this effort prevented by earthquake. (IP)

381 CE Second Ecumenical Council called by Emperor Theodosius I at Constantinople. Briefly, the Council added 5 canons setting forth doctrines on the Holy Spirit, the Church, the Sacraments, resurrection of the dead and life of the age to come. (Source: Web)

Aryabhata, Hindu astronomer and mathematician and writer on posers and roots of numbers (b. 476) (G)

507 CE - Mayan altar with head of death god (Copan, Honduras) (G)


411 CE St. Augustine: ''The City of God'' written after the sack of Rome by Alaric. (G)

431 CE Third Ecumenical Council called by Emperor Theodosius. The Council condemned the doctrines of Nestorios, Archbishop of Constantinople, who taught that there were two separate persons in the Incarnate Messiah, one Divine, the other human. (Source: Web)

443 CE Empress Eudocia allows Jews to pray on Temple Mount. (IP)


451 CE Fourth Ecumenical Council called by Emperor Marcian and his wife Poulcheria at Chalcedon, on the Asian side of Constantinople. The ''dogmatic decisions'' made by this Council were expressed by a statement of faith since called the Chalcedonian Definition. (Source: Web)

451 CE Fifth Ecumenical Council called by Emperor Justinian I. Council is characterized by internal friction with 165 bishops in attendance. (Source: Web)

600 CE


Fourth Church Age

Thyatira ( 600 - 1517 )
Dark Ages

Commendation given concerning this church and the related church age: ''commended for their works of love, faith, ministry, and patience and that these works were increasing.''

Condemnation given: ''lengthy condemnation .... involves the toleration of a woman named Jezebel. ... is most likely a reference to the Old Testament Jezebel to describe the state in Thyatira ''

''...[as] with Jezebel, it is not merely a corruption of the true religion, but a whole new god and system of worship were introduced in Israel ... Through Jezebel Baal worship came into the land resulting in more idolatry than ever before.''

''Jezebel thus became a very real picture of what the Roman Catholic church evolved into during the period of the Dark Ages. It introduced a paganism that resulted in idolatry and spiritual fornication, and it became a new religious system bearing little resemblance to the New Testament church.''

(Quotations from Fruchtenbaum)


Concerning the long range implications of this church age:

''Prophetically speaking, the major characteristics of Thyatira fit the church era that spanned the Middle Ages. During this time the dominant church fabricated a system that, like Jezebel, bound the people to image-worship, superstition, and priestcraft. These Scripture verses indicate this church will still have some adherents and some power into the ''great tribulation.'' But the believing remnant from this prostituted form of Christianity is promised it will be percent at the Rapture and will be delivered from the clutches of the ''mother'' church by Messiah's return.'' (Quoted from Lindsey)

Fruchtenbaum notes the following false doctrines were introduced during this age(Quotation from Fruchtenbaum):

''1. Justification by works—not simply by faith;
2. Baptismal regeneration—that a person is saved by baptism;
3. Worship of images;
4. Celibacy—forbidding priests to marry, a further distinction between clergy and laity;
5. Confessionalism—where sins are confessed to a priest who then declares absolution of those sins;
6. Purgatory—a place of confinement which is neither heaven nor hell, but a place where one has to be refined before going into heaven; hence sanctification was not complete at death;
7. Transubstantiation—the concept of the continual and perpetual sacrifice of [Messiah];
8. Indulgences—where through the giving of money, a person's time in purgatory could be reduced;
9. Penance—involving the torment of one's body in order to reduce time in purgatory; and,
10. Mariolotry—the worship of the virgin Mary, her elevation as the mother of God and the declaration of her deity.''

Book printing in China (G)


600 CE - Pope Gregory strives for the peaceful conversion of the Jews (G)

614 CE - Persian king Chosroes II appoints Nehemiah as governor of Jerusalem (IP)

610 CE - Mohammed's vision on Mount Hira. (G)

615 CE - Earliest records of some of Mohammed's teachings.

619 CE - The ''Suan-Ching'' (''Ten Classics''): scientific textbooks used for Chinese examinations. (G)

Abd el-Malik >

629 CE - Emperor Heraclius recaptures city (Jerusalem) and builds an octagonal church on Temple Mount. (IP)

638 CE Moslem conquest by Umar Ibn Khattab; establishing Islamic rule lasting to 1917 CE (except 1099 to 1187 when Crusaders ruled over Jerusalem)

Wooden El Aksa Mosque constructed (700 CE).

Dome of the Rock built by Abd el-Malik (684 - 690 CE)

622 CE - ''Originum sive etymologiarum libri XX,'' and encyclopedia on arts and sciences by Isidore of Seville. (G)

625 CE - Mohammed begins to dictate Koran.

628 CE - Mohammed writes letters to all the rulers of the world explaining the principles of the Moslem faith. (G)

632 CE - Buddhism becomes state religion in Tibet. (G)


660 - 750 CE
Revolts, persecutions of Jews, and deterioration of Jerusalem.

680 CE Sixth Ecumenical Council called by Emperor Constantine IV (Pogonatos). The Council resolved some of the earlier issues of the Fifth Council, some of which deal with the nature of Messiah (Devine and human). (Source: Web)

686 CE - Sussex, the last heathen kingdom in England, converted to Christianity. (G)

692 CE Quinisext or Trullan Council called by Justinian II. Council dealt with issues from the two preceding (Fifth and Sixth Ecumenical) Councils. (Source: Web)

695 CE - Persecution of Jews in Spain. (G)

Persecution of a Key People Group15
Persecution of the Jewish People

700 CE - Water wheels for mill drive in use all over Europe. (G)

Harnessing Global Energetics14
Harnessing Power - The Beginning of Global Energetics

750 CE - Prime period of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, optics, and chemistry in Arab Spain. (G)


700 CE - Easter eggs come into use among Christians. (G)

711 CE - Spanish Jews, freed by Arabs, begin their cultural development. (G)

746 CE - El Aksa Mosque destroyed by earthquake.

751 CE - Islam in four sects: Sunnites, Hafenites, Shafites, and Malikites. (G)

787 CE Seventh Ecumenical Council called by Empress Irene in Nicaea. This final Council dealt predominantly with a controversy regarding icons and their place in Orthodox worship. (Source: Web)

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WindowView TimeLine
 References:  - click panel tab below to see more ...
SOURCES, Citations, and Reference listing.
TimeLine References:
  • Various sources were used to develop this time line. Where possible dates are cross checked or events are placed in relative position. Many of the dates used above come from the following references:
  • Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum)
  • Ayers, Ed. 1999. God's Last Offer - Negotiating for a Sustainable Future. (A)
  • Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G., Th.M., Ph.D.1982. Footsteps of Messiah - A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. (Fruchtenbaum) (New edition 2003)
  • Graham, Billy. 1992. Storm Warning. Published by: W Publishing Group (formerly Word Publishing)
  • Grun, Bernard. 1991. The Timetables of History - A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New Third Revised Edition. Based on Werner Stein's Kulturfahrplan. A Touchstone Book:New York. (G)
  • Ice, T., and R. Price. 1989. Ready to Rebuild — The Imminent Plant to Rebuild the Last Days Temple. (IP)
  • (Info)
  • H. Lindsey. 1973. There's A New World Coming. Bantam Books. (Lindsey)
  • Randall Price. 2001 Unholy War. (P)
  • Dr. G. Schroeder with Z. Levitt. Genesis One. Levitt Ministries (see note in graphic box at top of this table for details).
  • SciNews: Science News is a science news weekly generally obtained by subscription, also see:
  • Web (Internet): Occasionally we find what appear as reliable, but formally unpublished, sources on the Internet. As such these entries remain to be fully confirmed. In many cases this information is found to agree with the remainder of the timeline and the published sources used here.
  • Zondervan Corporation. 1985. The NIV Study Bible. Zondervan Bible Publishers:Grand Rapids.

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