Global War Right Now In Plain Sight

Bottom Line:

This post leads to a unique web site—a window that looks out on science, global change, and a scriptural harmony. Open the window, see and review, then renew what your mind can pull together! Facts on science and faith information lead to a vital opportunity of a lifetime!


Post Date: July 5, 2023

World War III? Actually, yes there is an ongoing conflict from many directions across all of humanity. Do you gather information from one source or many? Is social media tainting your view due to undocumented and unreliable sources? Do you have objectivity or subjectivity directing your mind? If you can be truly objective, then do you see the reality of a world that today is so fragmented that all humanity is at risk?

Self interest, nationalism, demand for control over citizens (e.g., autocracy) and the media (e.g., political agenda, bias, propaganda), and numerous other factors counter the logic that would otherwise have a world of peace and stewardship for future generations. What about nations today like China, Russia, US, Europe, Africa, South America to name a few that are part of the big picture. Take a moment to realize the constant conflict spreads over the entire globe. So what can one expect for the future? Will there be a longterm survival for humanity?

WindowView includes scientific data that demonstrates life is unique and not by chance. The Harmony Area looks at the basis of a true biblical belief and faith (along with the Convergence Area that sums up the vital choice we all have the opportunity to make—are you faith based in the most significant way?). But of interest here is the Change Area that looks at global and climate factors plus a potential link to the soon to come global leader who counters the biblical leadership of Messiah and Adonai.

Maybe you are a skeptic, atheist, or even a religious person of some faith or other belief system, but through the window one can gather an overall logic as to why we see global unrest, stress, conflict, and a lack of truly coming together as a humanity that itself can make a peaceful path to the future.

Science and faith-based books are listed within the window (Science books and Harmony books) but if interested in seeing the biblical chronology and learning about the global leader who is yet to come. The one book link that delivers you to a significant review of that chronology is here.

Pray for Peace. Sincerely, objectively, take a humble look at what is really happening before our eyes this day! What do you see?


This is one of a number of 'blog posts' that are being added page at a time. Some may appear for a long or short time but in all cases these lead to the main WindowView. If you are able to explore what appears in the window, you may have a change in you understanding of Science plus Faith. You have a unique opportunity is you open the window. The concluding pages are found in the Convergence area, but visit the 'Start Here' area to get the overall window perspective.