MAGA and Prophet Jeremiah - A Nation in Crisis

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Post Date: January 24, 2024

MAGA and Prophet Jeremiah - A Nation in Crisis

The book of Jeremiah tells us about false idols, bad rulers, and what the prophet was to tell Judah back in his day. Ray Stedman wrote a book about Jeremiah, but that in parallel includes a text that applies to politics of this day in the USA! Today many people who say they are evangelical are actually idol worshippers just like in ancient Judah! YES this is reality!

READ this blog entry and note the person posting this text reads Scripture, is not affiliated with any particular political party, but looks deeper in multiple news sources to get at what is real, complete, and truthful today!

Make America Great Again is one version of ‘MAGA’ that a candidate uses. But chaos and lawlessness associated with any candidate should be a concern.

If evangelicals are really Bible abiding believers, then what in the Bible leads them to understand what is right or wrong? And what about any candidate … even a candidate that seems to have (idol worshipping) evangelical followers—but are they truly evangelical?


Perhaps the word ‘evangelical’ is misused these days and that comes with survey results indicating only 25% of those persons actually read the Bible. If the other 75% looked at Scripture they would realize what characteristics need be assigned to any candidate and to those who do not abide in the Lord’s will. What behaviors are exhibited, how power was used in the past, and what comes out of the mouth of the candidate need be compared to words in Mark 7 and in failing to keep with the principles described in Colossians 3.

If a former president is truly not Godly, not loving, not embracing, and not running for office for the nation but more so for her or himself … that brings us to the experience what the book of Jeremiah reflects. Bottom line, Kings of old and idol worship characterized Judah in ages past. Idol worship of a US presidential candidate (or any other candidate) today is very much in parallel with what Jeremiah has to tell us even about today!

If you think you believe what Scripture has to say and how the past reveals concerns for what you see today … then here is a recommendation for you to explore before making a final vote … and this applies to all candidates (regardless of party, affiliation, religion, etc.).

This blog post strongly recommends you read Ray C. Stedman’s book “A Nation in Crisis.” This was written some decades ago, but appears to have incredible relevance and application to what is happening today.

You read. You learn. You decide … but do explore and do think about what is truth—God’s truth and common application of justice and truth in the nation.

The improper candidate may actually be campaigning with another meaning to ‘MAGA:’ Perhaps something like 'Make America Grieve Again' and then only in hind sight once power is abused (yes, actually and truly as it was before) the nation will recognize the real crisis.



P.S. And every day while you live there is an opportunity to …



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