Life's Unique Opportunity - Saving the Future

Bottom Line:

This post leads to a unique web site—a window that looks out on science, global change, and a scriptural harmony. Open the window, see and review, then renew what your mind can pull together! Facts on science and faith information lead to a vital opportunity of a lifetime!


Post Date: Oct 28, 2022

The harmony that presents itself when looking through the window is simple. We have arrived at a time when scientific evidence points to life's origin as dependent on information, fine tuning (of Earth, solar system, galaxy, and entire universe) and complexity with specificity (in chemistry, physics, and biological systems). In other words a mind is behind your being alive and you having the most incredible opportunity of all time. Design in nature points to a designer, creator, and intelligence. Scripture points to who that Designer is. Critics will say what they will, skeptics will hold fast to doubts, but an assessment of science plus Scripture reveals truth.

Question: How will you respond to the ultimate truth?

Question: Have you taken time to investigate and then decide the purpose to you being alive?

If Science and Scripture are in harmony, then you need to consider stepping up to the truth and Step Up to Life.

Step Up To Life

The entire WindowView is filled with much information, but the bottom line, the summary, the main point is that you can save yourself for the future beyond this life. The science evidence will be updated, the themes of Scripture involve an understanding that applies to all Jewish and Gentile persons. Everybody has the same choice and thus the opportunity applies to all ... but the choice one needs to consider can only be addressed while still alive.



This is one of a number of 'blog posts' that are being added page at a time. Some may appear for a long or short time but in all cases these lead to the main WindowView. If you are able to explore what appears in the window, you may have a change in you understanding of Science plus Faith. You have a unique opportunity is you open the window. The concluding pages are found in the Convergence area, but visit the 'Start Here' area to get the overall window perspective.