End Times Underway - Today!

Bottom Line:

This post leads to a unique web site—a window that looks out on science, global change, and a scriptural harmony. Open the window, see and review, then renew what your mind can pull together! Facts on science and faith information lead to a vital opportunity of a lifetime!



Post Date: April 24, 2023

Opinion or Fact?

Watch the news. Tune into a second and third news source. See a pattern in what is being reported?

Ask yourself, do world leaders, their countries, even all of humanity work toward a global coordination to help the longevity of life on Earth? Humans, animals, plants, all life depends on stewardship, love of life, loving each other, and looking to sustain life on Earth. But what is happening around the globe today?

Where a leadership builds weapons of mass destruction, flies rockets over neighbor nations, seeks power by invasion of neighbors, and threats of taking future military action occurs … engaged in battles today that kill neighbors or fellow citizens … this is all evidence for a lack of love and no vision for an Earth sustaining advanced life for generation after generation.

And today, what you see is EVIDENCE FOR ARRIVING at the END TIMES.

Scientists would say we need to work together around the globe to counter climate change and preserve the earthly environment for all species to survive. And that's good intentions. But the END TIMES events will press in on human life ... politics, nationalism, power, material gain … forcing a truth and revealing what biblical prophecy has already foretold … and not assure any type of natural and material future. How do you respond to this … today?

End times is the end of this era of human history. The chronology of future events is already described in the biblical account of what to expect in the future … unless, in reality, the future is now upon us.

A world leader who tells his country to invade, kill, destroy, and disrupt the neighboring people’s home … is a world leader who is sin and an enemy to the One who gives us life. Psychologically sick, arrogant, and distorted in values … look, see, identify with ease those world leaders who today are taking us to the End of This Age … because of them … we have arrived at the END TIMES.

Then ask yourself: “Where can I read about what the end times brings to humanity and the Earth?”

FOOTSTEPS of the MESSIAH (book link)

Director, windowview.org

P.S. And every day while you live there is an opportunity to …



This is one of a number of 'blog posts' that are being added page at a time. Some may appear for a long or short time but in all cases these lead to the main WindowView. If you are able to explore what appears in the window, you may have a change in you understanding of Science plus Faith. You have a unique opportunity is you open the window. The concluding pages are found in the Convergence area, but visit the 'Start Here' area to get the overall window perspective.